Tech 500
User Guide rev1.0
JUNE 2013
service performed or attempted by anyone other than an authorized Bartec service
Opening, dismantling or repairing of this product by anyone other than an authorized Bartec
technician will void this warranty.
Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances shall Bartec be liable for any special, consequential or incidental
damage arising from any defect in products manufactured or sold by Bartec outside of the
responsibilities expressed by this warranty. No person, distributor or representative of Bartec is
authorized to make any representations on behalf of Bartec beyond those expressly stated in
the applicable literature. Bartec reserves the right to make design and other changes,
modifications, or improvements without any obligation to install the same on previously sold or
delivered products.
It is expressly agreed that the liability of Bartec is limited, and we do not function as an insurer.
The remedies set forth in this warranty shall continue the exclusive remedies available to the
purchaser or user and are in lieu of all other remedies expressed or implied. The liability of
Bartec, whether in contract, or in tort, under any warranty or otherwise, shall not exceed the
selling price by Bartec or the manufacture of the particular product made, sold, or supplied by
First Name: ___________________________________
Last Name: ___________________________________
Company: ____________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
City: __________________________________________
State: _________________ ZIP: ____________________
Phone#: (_______)_______-___________