Tech 500
User Guide rev1.0
JUNE 2013
(866) 407-TPMS
Technical Support
For technical support, please call us at 866-407-TPMS (8767). You can also contact us by email:
or visit our website
for a complete directory.
For efficient and accurate service, please have the following information ready when contacting
Tool Serial Number:
This allows the call info to be added to our database for
future reference.
Make, Model, and Year:
Support Team will need this information to
reference any information on this end.
Have your tool registered:
Gives you access to Technical Information on the
website that may assist you with your current issue.
Sensor Part Number:
if you have installed 1 or more sensors to this vehicle,
please have the part number ready in case the support team needs to
reference this information.
Make sure tool is updated to latest software:
Having the latest software will
ensure your tool has all the latest info and features.
What is the TPMS light doing:
Is the light on Solid or Flashing?
Having vehicle in house:
Having the vehicle in house will allow the tech
support team to walk you through the situation.
When you call in you will be asked to give your name, company name, serial number, and a
phone number before we can address your questions and issues. This data is used to better
serve the customer by tracking all data and issues.