Access Cover
The basin packages feature Floatree technology.
The Floatree fl oat system uses a pvc pipe (tree) and cord clamping
brackets to affi x the pump fl oat in the system.
All fl oats are pre-set at the factory at optimum levels and do not
require adjustment in the pre-assembled versions. NOTE: Field adjusting fl oats may cause improper activa-
tion or turn-off of the pump.
Floatree removal and fl oat inspection:
The Floatree system is located under the separate access cover to help
ease inspection, service and replacement of a fl oat. To inspect the fl oat(s), simply unbolt the access cover and lift out
the Floatree assembly from its holder. There is no need to disconnect plumbing or remove the pump. Basin pack-
ages feature a manual pump (with no switch attached directly to the pump). Operation of the pump is accomplished
by the Floatree system.
Re-inserting the Floatree :
After service or inspection of the fl oats, re-insert the Floatree into its holder. Cords from
the pump, fl oat switch and optional alarm need to be properly sealed as described below in the cord seal.
Cord Seal:
It is important that cords from the pump motor and fl oat switch are sealed in the specially designed rubber
sealing channels in the cover. Proper sealing is required to keep sewer gas from leaking from the system. Place the
cords securely in the rubber channels as shown in FIGURE B. being careful to remove excessive cord “slack” from
inside the system. If the alarm cord is present, all three channels will be used. All rubber cover gaskets are perma-
nently attached and do not require replacement.
IMPORTANT: Proper cord sealing