Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol
Safety instructions and warnings:
Before commissioning, read these instruc-
tions carefully and follow all advice.
In this documentation we use different ty-
pes of instructions for safety and warning
Indicates a real and near dan-
ger. To ignore this sign means
possible death or serious injury
as consequence.
Indicates a threat of danger.
To ignore this sign means pos-
sible serious injury or material
damage as consequence.
Indicates a possible danger.
To ignore this sign means pos-
sible material damage as con-
Stands for advice and tips for
a better understanding of in-
structions or a better handling
of the unit.
The afore-mentioned operating instruc-
tions are valid for bar-positurn2 / positrol,
a module of the new valve control sys-
tem bar-vacotrol. They are intended for
the operator that means the person that
works with the unit. This is not a technical
handbook. For questions, arising from the
contents of this documentation, please
contact our customer service department
The unit and this documentation are pro-
tected by copyright. Their reproduction wit-
hout written permission will be contested in
court. We reserve all rights to these opera-
ting instructions and their contents thereof,
also for their reproduction and/or dupli-
cation in whatever imaginable form, e.g.
through photocopies, print, on what- ever
data carriers or in whatever translated form.
The reprinting of this documentation is only
possible via the express written permis-
sion of bar GmbH. The technical state
at the time of delivery of the unit and in-
structions is a deciding factor, in case no
other information is provided. We reserve
the right to technical changes without spe-
cial notice in advance. Earlier instructions
lose their validity. The General Terms and
Conditions for Sales and Delivery as prescri-
bed by bar GmbH are to be adhered to.
Scope of validity: