Menu Item
annel Programming: This menu is used to either create new or modify existing channels (000
through 127) so that they can be accessed from MR/Channel Mode. The behavior of menu 27
changes depending on whether the target channel is empty or has been previously programmed
(see below).
VFO/Frequency Mode
127 Default: 000
Note: Programming must be done in [A] VFO
Empty Target Channel: The RX and TX frequencies of the target channel are set to the [A] VFO frequency. The settings of the
following menus are also saved into the target channel. This essentially creates a fully operational simplex channel.
Menu 2
TXP: Transmit Power
Menu 5
WN: Wideband / Narrowband
Menu 10 - R-DCS: Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) - Receive/Decode
Menu 11 - R-CTCS: Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) - Receive/Decode
Menu 12 - T-DCS: Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) - Transmit/Encode
Menu 13 - T-CTCS: Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) - Transmit/Encode
Menu 17 - S-CODE: PTT-ID DTMF Code Selection
Menu 19 - PTT-ID: When to Send PTT-ID
Menu 23
BCL: Busy Channel Lockout
Previously Programmed Target Channel: The TX frequency of the target channel is set to the [A] VFO frequency. The settings
of the following menus are also saved into the target channel. Uses for this can be to update a newly created 'simplex'
channel into a 'repeater' channel or a 'cross-band' channel. Another use would be to add, change or remove a TX DCS code or
TX CTCSS tone.
Menu 12 - T-DCS: Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) - Transmit/Encode
Menu 13 - T-CTCS: Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) - Transmit/Encode
Note: When the TX frequency differs from RX frequency, a '+-' is indicated in the status display.
Note: TDR should be set to OFF when manually programming.
Note: It is recommended to check above menu settings to ensure no modifications from previous programming are left over.