Manual Documentation Number M3640D1598
B&B Electronics -- PO Box 1040 -- Ottawa, IL 61350
PH (815) 433-5100 -- FAX (815) 433-5104
copy a: \ GRAPHIC c:
5. To run the program, type METEX <ENTER>. Follow the on-screen
help for specific operating instructions.
If you do not have a hard disk, you can still run the program from the
supplied floppy diskette. Change to the GRAPHIC subdirectory on the
diskette, and type METEX <ENTER>.
To stop the program or to escape from a device I/O error, press
6-12-4. Using the Windows Software
Follow these steps to install and run the Windows software.
Note: The following steps assume a basic knowledge of Microsoft
Windows. Refer to your computer's Windows User's Guide for information
about using Windows. This software requires Microsoft Window, Version
3.1 and a VGA or EGA display.
1. Start your computer and run Windows.
2. Insert the supplied diskette in your computer's drive.
3. From the Windows Program Manager, pull down the FILE menu and
select the RUN option.
4. At the prompt, type:
a:\scope\setup <ENTER> (If you placed the diskette in Drive A)
b:\scope\setup <ENTER> (If you placed the diskette in Drive B)
5. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete installation.
6. To run the program, double-click the SCOPEVIEW icon. Follow the
on-screen help for specific operating instructions.
Also, refer to the README file in the diskette s SCOPE subdirectory
for operation hints,
6-12-5. Technical Information
You need the following information if you are writing your own interface
Communication parameters
Transmission rate: 1200 baud
Character coding 7-bit ASCII
Parity None
Stop Bits: 2