2-6 Installation
Input Wiring Connections
Left Limit, Right Limit
(Pins 8 & 9 for Normally Open, 17 & 18 for Normally Closed)
When the Left or Right limit is pulled to common (for normally open switches), output is
inhibited in that direction. This function disables the control and the motor will coast to a
stop. This function can be used for an axis overtravel limit to prevent further operation in
the inhibited direction, but it does allow the drive to back out of the limit. Jumper P1 on
the servo control allows you to select either normally open or normally closed limit inputs.
The normal position as shipped is P1 jumper right (pins 1 to 2). If normally closed
switches are to be used, then this circuit must be first activated by placing jumper P1 in
the left position (pins 2 to 3).
Note: If P1 is in the left position and limit switches are not used in the application,
the control will assume the switch has opened and disable its output in that
direction, unless the right and left limits (pins 17 & 18) are tied to common.
Optional Wiring
Single Voltage Input (pin 4 to 2)
The servo control can be configured to operate using a single ended positive or negative
voltage command input signal. Move jumper P2 from its right position to its left position
(pin 2 to 3).
Use the servo control Signal (S) pot to scale the single voltage input. Rotate (A) pot full
Current Monitor Interface (Pins 7 & 11).
Decoupled Current Sense (DCS) is an analog representation of servo control current.
Using an oscilloscope, the output current can be viewed. An analog output voltage of 1
volt peak to peak represents approximately 1/10 of peak current. If you have a
LD3015HS servo control card and your DCS voltage is 1.5V peak, amplifier output
current is:
30 amps peak 1/10 x 1.5 = 4.5 amps output
3 x DCS voltage = output current (for LD3015)
Figure 2-4 Optional Input Signal Wiring
Servo Systems Co. • 115 Main Road • P.O. Box 97 • Montville, NJ, 07045-0097
(973) 335-1007 • Toll Free: (800) 922-1103 • Fax: (973) 335-1661