7.4 Maximum Speed Trimpot (MAX)
The MAX Trimpot sets the maximum speed of the motor when the Main Speed Potentiometer is set fully
clockwise. The MAX Trimpot is factory set to 100% of base motor speed. To increase the maximum
speed, rotate the MAX Trimpot clockwise. To decrease the maximum speed, rotate the MAX Trimpot
counterclockwise. The MAX Trimpot range is 50% – 110% of base motor speed.
See Figure 7-4.
Do not adjust the maximum speed above the rated motor RPM or unstable operation may occur. For
moderate changes in the maximum speed, there will be a slight effect on the minimum speed setting
when the minimum is set to zero. There may be significant variation in the minimum speed setting if
the minimum speed is at a higher than zero setting.
Figure 7-4 Max Trimpot Range