Cleaning Instructions
• Clean the unit regularly after use.
• Top Grates: after removing from the unit, use warm
soapy water and a stiff bristled brush or plastic
pad. Cooking grates must be removed to steam
clean or pressure wash. Do not use steel wool
or abrasive pads as they may degrade the metal
finish. Always clean stainless steel panels along
the grain.
• Radiants/Covers: These will need little or no
cleaning due to high in-use temperatures. If
necessary, clean as top grates.
• Broiler body: Use warm, soapy water and a stiff
bristle brush or plastic pad. Do not use chlorine,
bleach or other caustic chemicals. Be careful not
to get water into the burners or carryover tubes. Do
not pressure wash.
• Water Pans/Stand: Clean like top grates.
Burner / Orifice Inspection
1. Remove the front shelf by removing the two screws
at the ends.
2. Slide front shelf forward and then lift it off the
3. The front of the burners, the valve bodies, and
orifices are now exposed for inspection. Looking
down into the unit, compare each assembly with
figure “C” for alignment.
4. If the components are not aligned as shown in
the diagram, discontinue use and contact the
appliance manufacturer.
5. If the components are aligned, carefully replace
the service shelf and re-insert and tighten the
screws. Your unit is ready for use.
Figure C