Baker Blue Streak Portable or Stationary Band Sawmill - Rev 2, 03/07;
Production Problems:
Blade tension, blade quality, and guide settings are the key factors for good production.
Ensure these are properly set and adjusted prior to making any other adjustments or repairs.
Boards have a crown (bow
on top) when cut.
The blade may have too much set on the top, the bottom
teeth may be dull, or the guides may be putting up lead in
the blade. Install a new blade. If this does not solve the
problem check the blade tension, guide settings.
Blade seems to drift or
wander, creating a wavy cut
(hills and valleys).
Check the blade guide for proper settings, the blade may be
dull, the sawing speed may be to fast for the width of cut,
check the tension, or blade tracking. Change the blade then
try another cut. If this doesn’t solve the problem then refer to
the guide setting part of this manual.
Boards have a taper-up at
the entry point of the cut.
Check the blade guides to see if the guides are tilted, putting
up lead into the blade.
The first 6” of the entry point will show you if there is
up lead or down lead in the blade or blade guides.
Blade Overheats.
There may be excessive pitch build up on the blade, the
blade may not be tensioned properly or the guides are out of
adjustment. If there is excessive pitch build up on the blade
and the wheels try adding a powder detergent to the
lubrication system. Verify proper blade tension and proper
blade tracking.