Baker Blue Streak Portable or Stationary Band Sawmill - Rev 2, 03/07;
Setting the Bullet Guides
If not already in position, move the saw head to the front of the mill (end nearest the
trailer tongue) and lower the saw head down until it is approximately 12” above the bunk.
This will give you good clearance to make the required adjustments.
Open the movable guide outward, toward the side nearest the carriage rail.
Ensure machine power is off by shutting engine off and removing key from the ignition.
Verify proper blade tension for the blade being used and if necessary adjust accordingly.
1-1/4” Blade Tension
– 1,400 PSI
1-1/2” Blade Tension
– 1,700 PSI
2” Blade Tension
– 1,900 PSI
2” blades require a wider pull and idler wheel
Open the cowling doors and rotate the wheels counter clockwise to (A) ensure proper
tracking and (B) to put the weld of the blade at the top and centered between the wheels.
This will ensure the bullets are set to a flat part of the blade.
Start by loosening the 1/4” bolts holding the bottom bullet guides and drop the bullets
downward then re-snug them so they don’t fall out (
see Figure 53 on next page
Loosen the top bullets and pull them upward so they are not touching the blade.
Set the left guide by loosening the top 1/4” bolt and drop the bullets to the blade, making
sure they are touching the blade
with gravity only
and then re-tighten the bolt.
Do not apply any down pressure.
Figure 52
Figure 52A
Figure 52B
Loosen top and bottom
bullets so they are not
touching the blade, then
re-snug so they don’t
f ll
Start by loosening the
bottom and top bullet
guides so they are not
touching the blade, then
re-snug so they don’t
fall out
Next loosen the top 1/4”
bolt and let the bullets
drop to the blade
(gravity only, apply no
, then re-
tighten 1/4” bolt
Next loosen the top 1/4”
bolt and let the bullets
drop to the blade
(gravity only, apply no
, then re-
tighten 1/4” bolt