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Inspection and Maintenance
For applications that may see high thermal gradients, Baker
Hughes recommends periodic inspections of the liner and weld
External Inspection
Inspect equipment at ambient temperature and pressure
with insulation removed. Visually Inspect all welds on the
desuperheater for cracks or inconsistencies per ASME B31.1
Section 136.4.2. Welds to be inspected:
liner pins, water connection branch,
nozzle housing branch
down tube connections
water ring caps
inlet/ outlet circumferential field welds.
Consult Baker Hughes if cracks or damage is discovered.
Figure 3 - External inspection
Water Connection Branch
Outlet Field Weld
Water Ring Cap
Down Tube
Inlet Field Weld
Nozzle Housing
Liner Pin
Internal Inspection
Inspect equipment at ambient temperature and pressure.
Visually inspect the liner, pins, and accessible weld roots per
ASME B31.1 Section 136.4.2. Inspect the downstream liner
surface for erosion. Visual inspection can be accomplished
using a borescope. The inside of the pipe can be accessed by
removing one of the spray water nozzles as shown below. Areas
to be inspected:
liner pins
inside surfaces of liner
inlet/outlet weld roots
Consult Baker Hughes if cracks or erosion damage is discovered.
Figure 4 - Internal inspection
Outlet Field Weld
Liner Pin
Inlet Field Weld
Camera Access