Smart Winter Mode:
The system is constantly monitoring the temperature with its circuit board mounted sensors. If the sensor
registers an ambient temperature below 59°F, the systems “Smart Winter Mode” will activate. This mode, once activated, will
continue for a period of 24-hours. The system will activate any pump connected to the system that has not been turned on in the
last 2-hours, for 1-minute to prevent freezing. The frequency of this cycle may increase as the ambient temperature drops.
During the “Smart Winter Mode”, the filter cycle indicator will flash while the pump(s) is running in this mode. If the spa is to
be drained for an extended period of time, consult your local retailer for winterizing your spa completely due to potentially
extreme weather conditions.
If it is desired to keep water in the spa during the time of year when freezing may occur, the heater will operate as required
to prevent the water from freezing. In the event of electrical power interruptions, regardless of cause, the heater and pump
will stop operating and freeze protection will be lost.
This could result in freeze damage to the spa, spa plumbing and/or
Equipment Module components. Such damage is not covered by the Equipment Module Warranty.
If the spa is to be drained for an extended period of time, consult your local retailer for Winterizing your spa
completely due to potentially extreme weather conditions.
wARM weAtHeR cOnDitiOnS
Since your spa will normally be expected to maintain warm to hot water to be ready for your use, a great deal of attention
has been directed to the energy conservation detail of insulation so as to keep electrical costs down.
This energy conservation feature may cause an inconvenience during warmer times of the year. During warm periods of the
year, the temperature within the equipment compartment can elevate to a point that the pump will automatically turn off for a
short period of time (15-30 minutes) to allow the pump to cool down before automatically restarting. This cool down feature
will not harm your spa but serves only to protect the pump from damage and as an indicator that it is too hot. To minimize
this occurrence, refrain from using your Hydrotherapy Jets for prolonged periods of time during warm seasons.
inStALLinG yOUR pURiFicAtiOn DiSpenSeR
There are several ways that the water chemistry can be maintained in your Baja Spa. As the photos indicate below, Baja’s built
in KLEEN H20 dispenser incorporates the filter lid for either chlorine / bromine tablets or a Nature 2 purification system. The
Nature 2 purification system is only recommended for personal use or family spa installations. Chlorine/Bromine or similar is
recommended for regular and heavy bather installation. It is very important to maintain proper PH levels between 7.2 - 7.6.
Tablets, set and adjust dial.
Check every 1-2 weeks.
Nature 2:
Insert Cartridge,
replace every 4 months.