9 — English
2010 Baja, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The dirt bike engine is shipped with packing lubricant in it. This
lubricant must be drained and replaced with new engine lubri-
cant before attempting to operate the dirt bike.
Do not start
the engine while it still contains the packing lubricant.
Always use a 4-stroke motor lubricant that meets or exceeds
the requirements for API service classification SJ.
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
-22 -4 14 32 50 68 86 104
To check lubricant level:
Park vehicle on level ground and lower side stand.
Start the engine and allow it to run for 3 to 5 minutes.
Turn the engine off and allow to cool for at least 3 minutes.
Unscrew the oil cap/dipstick and remove.
Wipe dipstick clean and re-seat in hole, but do not re-
Remove the dipstick and inspect the lubricant level. Level
should be between the minimum and maximum marks on
the dipstick.
If lubricant is below minimum mark on dipstick, add lu-
bricant until level falls between minimum and maximum
marks on the dipstick.
To change engine lubricant:
Lubricant should be changed while the engine lubricant is still
warm, but not hot. This allows the lubricant to drain quickly
and completely.
Park vehicle on level ground and lower side stand.
Start the engine and allow it to run for 3 to 5 minutes.
Turn the engine off and allow to cool for at least 3 minutes.
Remove oil cap.
Place a container underneath the oil drainage bolt to col-
lect used lubricant as it drains.
Unscrew the oil drainage bolt and remove the bolt and
Allow lubricant to drain completely.
SAE 10W-30
SAE 20W-40
SAE 10W-50
SAE 15W-40
Inspect sealing washer and replace if damaged.
This should be replaced at least every other time
the lubricant is changed.
Reinstall washer and oil drainage bolt. Torque oil drainage
bolt to 18 ft.lbs. (24 Nm)
Fill crankcase with 0.90 qt. (0.85 l) SAE15W40 lubricant.
Reinstall the oil cap.
Start the engine and allow it to run for 3 to 5 minutes.
Turn the engine off and allow to cool for at least 3 minutes.
Hold the mini bike upright and recheck the lubricant level.
Make sure there are no leaks.
Used lubricant should be disposed of at an approved
disposal site. See your local oil retailer for more information.
Attempting to start the engine before it has been properly
filled with lubricant will result in equipment failure.