Chapter 4 Warning Messages and Troubleshooting Tips
Q1. While installing the Bravoprodigy CNC control software, the screen with a warning message as
shown below pops up and keeps the software from successfully being installed.
Q2. The CNC control software failed to load G-code.
Q3. The machinery and the computer failed to connect.
Q4. The machinery is not responding to your controller.
Q5. The workpiece was cut through during the job.
ANS: This warning message tells you that the UAC settings need adjusting, especially for operating
systems Windows 7 and Windows 8 or newer operating systems than Windows 7 and
Windows 8. Please read 3-1 Change User Account Control settings to finish the settings.
ANS: Confirm all items below:
1. The filename extension is .TAP.
2. The filename does not contain any special characters or any characters that the system
does not support.
3. The folder path does not contain any special characters or any characters that the system
does not support.
ANS: Confirm all items below:
1. If the power cord and the USB are properly connected.
2. If the emergency switch is on.
3. If the fuse is blown.
4. Restart the Bravoprodigy CNC software and connect again.
ANS: Confirm all items below:
1. The input system must be switched to the English language .
2. Try using another USB Port.
3. Restart the CNC control software.
ANS: Two possibilities are as follows:
1. When the Max. Carving depth plus the offset value on the EDIT output settings are greater
than the thickness of the workpiece, this would cause the workpiece to be pierced through.
2. When the workpiece wasn’t placed flatly enough on the table making the heights
inconsistent, this would also cause the workpiece to be pierced through.
4-2 Troubleshooting