4-3c Updating the Firmware
In Windows
Updating the fi rmware is a simple operation but one which, if not properly completed, can result in your printer breaking down.
Before any update, please contact your Badgy reseller who will be able to guide you on whether it is advisable to carry out this operation.
In general, such updates are only required in the event of a problem or malfunction that has been clearly identifi ed by your Badgy reseller.
The printer’s fi rmware update is made via the Badgy Print Center.
The update can be performed automatically or manually.
We recommend using the Update Verifi cation wizard.
This wizard will fi rst search for available updates for the software suite. Once the software suite is up to date,
please run this wizard again to check for printer fi rmware updates.
To launch this wizard, go to the Print Center > Tools > Update verifi cation wizard. An internet connection is required to run the wizard.
If you want to update your fi rmware manually, you can run the Firmware Update wizard.
Before starting, you must download the fi rmware update fi le from
Go to
Drivers & Support
, then select your printer model.
Go to
Drivers & Firmware
, then click on the fi le for the corresponding fi rmware.
Accept the download then save the fi le in a directory on your hard drive.
Now, open the Badgy Print Center and double-click on the name of your printer: the
window will open.
Go to ‘
Firmware update
’ and click on ‘
Launch the update wizard
’. This wizard will guide you through the printer fi rmware update
When prompted by the program, follow the instructions and select the “.fi rm” fi le you downloaded previously on your computer.
The operation might last up to 1 minute. When the fi rmware has transferred to the printer, the printer restarts. The update is completed and your
equipment is ready to use.
Never interrupt the transfer between computer and printer during the download phase (powering off the printer or computer, unplugging a cable).
This would result in a complete inability to restart the printer. Should such an incident occur, please contact your Badgy reseller, who will have to
replace your printer’s processor board.
If the printer is not showing a «
» status, this means that the update has not been carried out correctly or, possibly, that the printer is not working
properly. Check the connection cables and run a new update
However, if you experience problems while updating the fi rmware with the Badgy Print Center, please contact your Badgy reseller who can provide a new fi le to install
the fi rmware.