There are multiple ways to level your floor frame. Our recommended leveling method is shown below.
Always support floor frame seams.
Locate leveling material at the end of the runners.
Asphalt shingles should be used between blocks and frame lumber to fine-tune and
level frame. Never use shingles in direct contact with the ground.
Always work either clockwise or counter clockwise when leveling and blocking.
For best results and aiding in water drainage you can use gravel under each concrete block.
•2 pcs - 2x6x6 Treated Wood Block
•2 pcs - 5/4x6x6 Treated Wood Block
•1 pcs - 4x8x16 Concrete Block
•2 pcs - 2x8x16 Concrete Block
•2 pcs - Asphalt Shingles (Can be cut into 4" strips as needed for spacing)
Asphalt Shingle
2x6x6 Wood Block
4x8x16 Concrete Block
2x8x16 Concrete Block
High Ground
3 1/2 inches lower
4 inches lower
2 inches Lower
• Find the high ground and work in a circle leveling and raising each corner as needed until you've worked back to the
high corner.
Once the floor frame is level
use spacers to space the
center of 4x4 Runners to
support the middle of your
Leave high corner on
the ground.
Note: If needed use a claw
hammer to remove dirt
under the 4x4's and blocks
to make them sit level.
• Start by locating the most level ground in your preferred shed locations. This area must be a stable, solid, and dry
location. Enough leveling materials have been included to level a shed up to 6" out of level.
Note: If your shed location is more than 6" out of level you will either need to get more materials at your local
hardware store or relocate the shed location. (Note it's not recommended to exceed 16" of leveling materials at one
corner or side.
NOTE: If you need more leveling materials you can brake Concrete Blocks in to two pieces. To do so tap 8-10 light to medium
taps across the center of the block followed by one power blow in the center, repeat if needed until you get desired effect.
The leveling of the deck is crucial to the successful building of the shed. If it is not perfectly
level and flat the entire building will suffer.
2" Concrete Block
4" Concrete Block
2" Concrete Block
Treated Wood Block