The water meter should be installed in the make up line to the cooling towers
Adapters supplied by others. It is recommended to install insulating valve for easier maintenance.
Position the water meter with the arrow in the water flow direction
Flush the piping before installation, to prevent dirt to enter the water meter. Water meter should be protected
from freezing (protected room or insulation and tracing)
Make sure the water meter screen can be viewed and read at any time
Prestrainer should be cleaned on a yearly basis.
Water meter reading information
1 rotation = 1L; 1 graduation = 0,1 L
1 rotation = 10L; 1 graduation = 1 L
1 rotation = 1m³; 1 graduation = 100 L
1 rotation = 100L; 1 graduation = 10 L
Electrical Wiring
Refer to the wiring diagram of the submittal package.
The BCP2D is suitable for connection to networks of 110V - 230V and 50 - 60 Hz (AC POWER).
The BCP2D panel is pre-wired and only requires a main power supply to the controller BACT 100 .
A general alarm output is also available as indicated on the wiring.
Wiring of the water meter to the controller BACT 100 (by others).
Optional when specified at order: Analogic output 4-20 mA for conductivity.
W W W . B A L T I M O R E A I R C O I L . E U