2 Safety
DHV0075 b2 EN
b2 electronic
Safety is
! Respect all
safety information
; only use the HVA for
appropriate applications
and ensure that operators possess the required
operator qualifications
General Safety
Safety Precautions and Prerequisites
All equipment to be high potential tested must be de-energized and properly
isolated from all power sources. All equipment grounds must remain in place.
All high potential test equipment cable connections must be clean and secure.
Separate equipment ground connections should be used. Ground integrity must be
maintained at all times.
Avoid testing alone – always have someone available who is able to render first
aid and resuscitation if required.
Do not install substitute parts or make unauthorized modifications to the test
instrument or its accessories as this may introduce additional risks and unknown
hazards. To ensure that all safety features in the instrument are maintained, it is
strongly recommended that all repairs and modifications be performed by b2hv or
one of their authorized repair service centers.
Before using this test instrument, please read through the operating manual in its
entirety. Make sure you clarify any points that you feel unsure or uncertain about
before using the instrument. Make sure you are knowledgeable about the proper
application, safety, potential hazards involved, and procedures in using the test
instrument. The awareness for safety is an integral part of the job, and it cannot
be over emphasized.
Safety is the responsibility of the user/operator.
All personnel operating the high potential test equipment must wear high voltage
gloves. Verify the class rating/voltage of all protective devices (e.g. rubber
blankets) to ensure proper protection.
Use suitable barriers, barricades, or warnings to keep persons not directly involved
with the work away from test activities. Personnel must be notified to prevent other
workers, as well as the general public, from entering the high potential test area.
Vacuum bottles must only be high potential tested with AC. Dangerous X-rays can
possibly be produced when vacuum bottles are high potential tested above their
rating with DC.
Since some electrical apparatus such as cables are essentially capacitors, they
can hold a charge after being exposed to a high potential test. These electrical
apparatus must therefore remain grounded for sufficient time to drain off any
remaining charge. Never assume that a piece of equipment that has been high
potential tested is safe to handle without using the necessary safety equipment
Operation Manual
Before carrying out any high voltage test with this instrument, read this
Operating Manual in its entirety