4. Data display loop
Transmission span: daily, from 0 to 24 h
Transmitted data: package ‘Compact’ and ‘Extended’ (absolute counting liters of water, alarms, water temperature, CPU temperature,
reverse flow).
These parameters can be changed via NFC android device and Bmetering NFC Config app or via BMetering software:
Transmission frequency: based on data rate (refer to the table in lorawan specification)
Transmission span: daily, from 0 to 24 h
Transmitted data: depending on the type of uplink chosen (Compact, Extended, Data logger, Monitoring, Alarm History)
Immediate alarms: refer to the lorawan specification, available by writing to [email protected]
ABP mode and keys
Preconfigured radio parameteres LoRAWAN
Transmission frequency: data rate based (every 12 hours with DR0, every 6 hours with data rate between DR1 and DR5)
Transmission span: daily, from 0 to 24 h
Transmitted data: package ‘Compact’ and ‘Extended’ (absolute counting liters of water, alarms, water temperature, CPU temperature,
reverse flow).
Transmission frequency: 60 seconds (asynchronous).
Transmission span: Monday to Friday, from 8 to 18 h.
Encryption: Not available
Transmitted data: repeated packet cycle (‘Standard’ package for the first transmission, ‘Extended’ for the second transmission, ‘Historical’
for the third transmission and ‘Standard’ for the fourth transmission and so on). For the transmitted data please refer to the wm-Bus
specification, which can be found by writing to [email protected].
Combo (output configuration L Wireless wM-BUS)
As soon as radio mode is enabled, the device sends join requests to the provisioned Network Server, according to the lorawan transmission
standard. In addition, it activates the transmission according to the standard Wireless wm-BUS OMS v4 T1 mode (asynchronous one-way
transmission). During the join process, the radio icon on the display will flash every second. If it succeeds, the icon will remain fixed and
stable, otherwise it will turn off.
It is possible to change the configuration parameters via android NFC device and app BMetering NFC config downloadable from the play
store or via BMetering software. Refer to the app manual for the list of parameters that can be changed in this mode.
During the JOIN process, if the lorawan transmission has been activated, the icon will flash quickly on the display (1s intermittence),
until completion and will remain active. If JOIN fails, the icon will turn off. If you use communication only wm-Bus mode the icon will always
remain active after the passage ±5 liters. The radio icone
will flash quickly in case of transmission (lorawan or wm-Bus) if the counter has
joined or the wm-Bus transmission is active after the passage of ±5 liters.
In case of Combo mode (wm-Bus and lorawan) the lorawan interface takes precedence. If the join procedure is not successful or the device
is not connected to the network server, the icon will turn off.
During the test procedure wm-Bus and/or lorawan, the radio icon will activate in the following modes:
: the icons e
will remain active for one minute and flash quickly on the display (1 second intervals) with each
transmitted data packet. At the end of the procedure the icons will turn off.
: le icone e
will flash quickly on the display (1 second intervals). If the join is executed the icon will remain active
for 1 minute and then turn off, otherwise it will continue to flash until all the join attempts are finished. In case of force join, after the
passage of ±5 liters, the icon will flash for a cycle of 6 minutes transmitting to each sfx data rate remaining on or off depending on the
result of the join.
Preconfigured radio parameteres wM-
Absolute count (m3)*
20 seconds (24 if no alarms are present)
Instantaneous flow rate (m3/h)*
2 seconds
Errors (if any)
4 seconds
The display will show in sequence the following default information: