Connecting the Saddle Valve (diagram 8)
Locate Compression Nut in installation kit pack-
age and attach to inlet fitting. Tighten the nut hand
tight and then loosen one full turn.
Repeat steps 6B and 6C.
Connecting Inlet Line to System (diagram 9)
Locate Compression Nut in installation kit pack-
age and attach to inlet fitting. Tighten the nut hand
tight and then loosen one full turn.
Repeat steps 6B and 6C.
Setting the Effective Life Indicator
The Effective Life Indicator is the black dial located
on the center of the mounting bracket. Each white
mark on the dial represents 378.5L (100 gallons).
The START mark represents 4542.5L (1,200 gal-
lons); however, the filter cartridges have an effective
life of 3785.4L (1,000 gallons), so you will need to
move the dial clockwise so that the indicator arrow
lines up with the 3785.4L (1,000 gallons) mark
(2 marks past The START mark).
important – set
Effective Life Indicator to 1000 gallons after
each new filter replacement.
note: To prevent indicator malfunctions, only
move the dial when the system is depressurized.
Putting the System into Operation
Slowly turn on cold water supply.
Press red pressure-relief button on top
of system.
Make sure Effective Life Indicator is set at
3785.4L (1,000 gallons).
Rotate base of drinking water faucet count-
er-clockwise to “ON” position. Allow water to run
for 5 minutes to flush air and carbon fines from filter
cartridges. Check system for leaks before leaving
note: A drinking water cartridge may contain car-
bon fines (very fine black powder). After installation,
flush the cartridge for 5 minutes to remove the fines
before using the water. It is recommended that you
run the tap at least 20 seconds prior to using water
for drinking or cooking purposes.
Nanotechnology Under Counter Water Purification System
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