There are three different manuals related to model AUR455. Read them as necessary for your specific requirements.
If you do not have a manual you require, please contact us or one of our dealers.
Dynamic Self-Checking Burner Controller Model AUR455 User’s Manual
Document No. CP-SP-1439E
This manual.
Personnel who are using model AUR455 for the first time, or are designing combustion
equipment that uses the AUR455, or are designing hardware used to incorporate it
into a control panel, etc., or are maintaining the AUR455, should read this manual
thoroughly. This manual gives an overview of the product, tells how to install and
wire it for incorporation into equipment, and gives an overview of operation, trial
operation and adjustment methods, communication, maintenance and inspection, and
Dynamic Self-Checking Burner Controller Model AUR455
User’s Manual for Installation
Document No. CP-UM-5955JE
This manual is supplied with the AUR455.
Personnel who design or maintain equipment that uses the AUR455 should read
this manual thoroughly. This manual describes installation of this device.
Installation and Usage Guide for Smart Loader Package Model SLP-A55
for Burner Controller Model AUR_55
Document No. CP-UM-5956JE
This manual is supplied with Smart Loader Package model SLP-A55.
Personnel who design equipment that uses the AUR455 or who configure and
maintain the AUR455 using the SLP-A55 should read this manual thoroughly. It
describes the PC software used to configure various settings for the AUR455 and
to read out internal data from the AUR455. The manual describes installation of
the software on a PC, its operation on the PC, and setup procedures.
The Role of This Manual