Chapter 3
This puts the MultiClamp 700A in V-Clamp mode and directs the Membrane
Current (0.5V/nA) to the Scaled Output BNC connector on the front panel of the
2. Plug the BATH connector of the model cell into the white Teflon input connector
of the Channel 1 headstage. Connect the 2 mm gold socket on the side of the
model cell to the 1 mm gold socket on the rear of Channel 1 headstage, using the
short black wire provided with the model cell. Shield the headstage and model cell
with the aluminum foil or metal box, using the 4 mm Signal Ground plug on the
rear of the MultiClamp 700A.
3. Connect a BNC cable from the Channel 1 Scaled Output on the front panel of the
MultiClamp 700A to the oscilloscope. The oscilloscope display should initially be
set at 0.5 V/division and 2 ms/division. Triggering should be set to Line.
Alternatively, connect a BNC cable from the Channel 1 Scaled Output to and
Analog Input on the front panel of a Digidata digitizer for monitoring on the Scope
Window of Clampex.
4. Press the Pipette Offset button while looking at the oscilloscope.
Figure 2.2-3
After making a brief series of steps (due to the MultiClamp 700A’s algorithm for
finding the offset) the Membrane Current is zeroed. Note also that the Pipette Offset
button is grayed out and the lock closes. Position the mouse cursor over the Pipette
Offset button for a few seconds; the offset value is displayed. If necessary, the
offset can be readjusted by pressing the Lock button to open the lock and again
depressing the Pipette Offset button.
5. Check the Seal Test checkbox.
Figure 2.4