10. Internal calibration
The balance is equipped with internal calibration system, which general task is to maintain required
measurement accuracy on the balance.
Internal calibration is the process of putting internal weight on automatically by balance mechanism and
correcting accuracy in balance firmware. The correction is necessary because of differences between
values of gravitational acceleration in the place where the balance was manufactured and in the place
where it is operated, as well as due to changes of balance level and temperature.
Internal calibration is performed in the following situations:
- when key is pressed,
- after defined time interval (for legally verified balances - 2 hours),
- after temperature change (for legally verified balances
more than 2
In legally verified balances time interval is set to 2 hours and defined temperature change is 2
C. In not
legally verified balances those values can be set as calibration options. The reason of starting internal
calibration is shown as an icon near weight picture.