Passive Mode
If your ftp connection in the active mode fails, select the
passive mode instead.
Choice: *ON, OFF.
Login Name
Enter your login name for the server.
Enter your password for the server.
Reply to E-mail
The product will send a report to the Reply to E-mail
address after sending a file to the target server. The
receiver can be notified and choose to download your
scanned document after the document is sent to the
target filing server.
File Name
Give your desired file name.
Subfolder Name
Give your desired subfolder name in the target server.
New/Delete/Modify Add/delete/modify a filing folder.
Update a folder information.
Leave without updating a folder information.
Scan Options &
Scan Options & Imprinter in the product’s embedded web
page are the same with those E-mail options on the touch
panel. Refer to Section Change More E-MAIL Settings or
Chapter 5 Customizing Scan Options to configure your
favorite scan options.
* Factory Default