Change Filing Settings
Tapping the [Add New Folder] button opens the following New Folder window.
The New Folder screen contains server destinations with various parameters. Refer
to the following table to enter the relevant values.
New Folder
Folder Name
Enter name of your folder.
Folder URL
Tap and choose a type of protocol of your filing server in
the Folder URL. Choice includes * ftp://, file://, ftps://.
Enter the Folder URL in the second field. You can enter
either the domain name or the IP address with the
directory path.
Choice: *ftp://, file://, ftps://
Port #
Enter the port number for the server into which you want
to store your scanned document.
If the default value is different from the real case, input
the correct port number in this field. Tap anywhere on the
“Port” field to bring up the soft keyboard to enter the
Choice: *FTP:21, *FTPS:21