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In the name section the device name can be set. Simply type in a name you
would like for the deice and hit the apply button. Name does not support special
characters (eg. ! *%)
The control section allows the user to directly turn on or turn off the device.
Select the control that you would like to execute and hit apply to apply the
settings. This will turn the device on or off.
The timer allows the user to set an amount of time before a control is activated.
To do this, simply enter the amount of delay time in seconds you would like the
action to occur. Select the On or Off and hit the apply button. When the timer has
reached the time set it will execute your command.
For example if Port 1 is on and I would like to turn it off in 30 seconds, the
command may look something like the following.
* The maximum number of seconds that can be set on the timer of the device is
Current value, current limit setting & Temperature value
The Current and Temperature settings offers the current consume value ,
temperature value and current maximum limit setting so the user get the amp
connected device consume also set the maximum amp to protect over loading.