DADman adds a monitor control section in the main view as shown below.
In addition, control for the general delay of the whole profile, an
button, and a status indicator that displays allocated EQ resources
are shown.
General Delay
The delay can be set from 0 to 200 milliseconds (ms) in increments of 0.01 ms (10 microseconds). The lowest increment is also one sam-
ple, so depending on the sample rate, this results in different time values. At 48 kHz a sample is 20.83 ms, so the value set will be
rounded to the nearest sample value, or 21 ms in this case (rounding is not shown).
The general delay can be enabled and disabled by the
button. This button can also be automated in the DAD Monitor Operating Mod-
ule (MOM) for easy access.
Note that the value can be entered by the rotary knob operated by using the mouse or by entering the numerical value from the keyboard.