Path to file - full path to the original location of the detected infectious file
Original object name - all detected objects listed in the chart have been
labeled with the standard name given by AVG during the scanning process. In
case the object had a specific original name that is known (e.g. a name of an
e-mail attachment that does not respond to the actual content of the
attachment), it will be provided in this column.
Date of storage - date and time the suspected file was detected and
removed to the Virus Vault
Control buttons
The following control buttons are accessible from the Virus Vault interface:
Restore - removes the infected file back to its original location on your disk
Restore As - in case you decide to move the detected infectious object from
the Virus Vault to a selected folder, use this button The suspicious and
detected object will be saved with its original name. If the original name is not
known, the standard name will be used.
Delete - removes the infected file from the Virus Vault completely
Send to analysis - sends the suspected file for deep analysis to the AVG
virus labs
Empty Vault - text