Filters and QOS Configuration for Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
Technical Configuration Guide
January 2013
The following example creat es a meter wit h a CIR of 10 Mbps, burst rate of 20 Mbps for 13 msec with an
in profile action of Silver Service and an out profile action of drop traffic .
qos meter 1 nam e meter_one committed-rate 10000 max-burst-rate
20000 max-burst-duration 13 in-profile-action 4 out-profile-action 1
11.4 Add a New Policy
a) To assign a Classifier to a new Policy without a met er, enter the following command:
qos policy <1-64000> name <name> if-group <if-group nam e> clfr-
type <block|classifier> clfr-id <1-64000> in-profile-action <1-64000> non-m atch-action <1-
64000> precedence <3-10**> track-stati sti cs <individual/aggregate>
: Instead of „clfr-id‟ you can also enter the classifier or classifier-block name by using „clfr-name‟.
b) To assign a Classifier to a new Policy with a meter, enter the following command:
qos policy <1-64000> name <name> if-group <if-group nam e> clfr-
type <block|classifier> classifier clfr-id <1-64000> meter <1-64000> non -match-action <1-
64000> precedence <3-10**> track-stati sti cs <individual/aggregate>
The following adds classifier block 1 to policy 1 with an in profile action of drop if matched and out profile
action of Standard Service if not matched.
qos policy 1 name policy_one if-group role_one clfr-type block clfr-
id 1 in-profile-action 1 non-match-action 2 precedence 10
To add track individual statistics for each classifier, use the following command:
ERS5500-48T(confi g)#
qos policy 1 name policy_one if-group role_one clfr-type block clfr-
id 1 in-profile-action 1 non-match-action 2 precedence 10 track -stati stics individual