NOTE: If still no sound, please also select the “Bluetooth Audio” as default output device in the software/
application. (e.g. Spotify, Netflix, etc.)
4.3) Make VOIP calls
You can also use your Bluetooth headphones to make VOIP calls.
Below we use Skype for example.
Step 1.
Connect the headphones as described in steps 1-6 mentioned on 4.2
Step 2.
Right click the device name and select Make Call.
Step 3.
Also set “Bluetooth Audio” as the default recording device, as step 7 mentions on 4.2, please refer to Fig4-10.
Fig 4-10
Important Note: Please remember to right click the mono headset icon, select “Mute on” or “Disconnect” after
ending a call to go back to music mode for music streaming (Fig 4-11). For a detailed guide please search “DG40S
sound not good” on support.avantree.com or see the below link:
Fig 4-11
4.4) File transfer between PC and smart phone