1. What’s in the box?
A. Avantree DG40S dongle
B. CD – for BlueSoleil driver installation. Or please download &
install driver from support.avantree.com (“ latest DG40s driver” )
C. Quick user guide
2. General guidance
There are two ways to use the dongle: Plug & Play or use the BlueSoleil software.
1. For PCs pre-installed with Win 10, you can just plug in the dongle and let the Windows install its own
Bluetooth driver. Please refer to Section 3 for detailed steps.
2. For Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, 8 & upgrade 10, or when plug & play fails to work for native Windows
10, you will need to install BlueSoleil software, a third party Bluetooth driver before plugging in the dongle.
Please refer to Section 4 for detailed steps.
3. How to use with Native Windows 10 PC – Plug and play
Please click below youtube video link:
3.1) Windows own Bluetooth driver Auto installation
3.1.1) For Native Windows 10 users, you can just plug the dongle into a USB port and wait for the Windows
driver installation to start. You will see a screen similar to the screenshot below. (Fig 3-1))
Fig 3-1
If the installation didn’t start automatically, please refer to troubleshooting 1.