La Petite-R
La PETITE-R rev.6 04/2013
(800) 561-6162
8.6.3 Coffee Brewer
Sanitizing the Brew Chamber:
Frequency: Weekly or every 200 cycles
1. Place a large cup or other suitable container below the
dispensing nozzle to catch the HOT rinse water;
2. Toggle the ingredient switch to Off (SW5 see main board);
3. Order several coffees for the hot water to flow through the
4. Toggle the ingredient switch back ON;
5. Remove the hose and remove the brew chamber’s funnel
to dislodge coffee residue trapped underneath it and rinse it
6. Replace it and align the opening with the brown water hose
so that it is against the wall to form a circular water motion
around the funnel;
7. Order a large coffee to confirm that all parts have been
replaced correctly.
Brewer Funnel
Frequency: As needed or weekly
If there are coffee grounds accumulated, remove the assembly
for manual cleaning under hot water:
1. Remove the brown water hose;
2. Lift off the funnel and pull out of the brew chamber;
3. Rinse thoroughly under hot water;
4. Air dry completely;
5. Reinstall all parts in the reverse order.
6. Order a large coffee to confirm that all parts have been
replaced correctly.
Brewer Assembly Cleaning
Frequency: Monthly or every 1,000 cycles
In order to maintain optimal performance of the brewer assembly,
we recommend that it be removed from the unit and cleaned
/ rinsed with hot water. see section 10.3 for instructions on
removing the brewer)
1. Rinse thoroughly under hot water to remove visible soil;
2. Lift off the funnel and pull out of the brew chamber;
3. Rinse thoroughly under hot water;
4. Air dry completely;
5. Reinstall all parts in the reverse order.
6. Order a large coffee to confirm that all parts have
been replaced correctly.
Cleaning & Sanitizing
Brew Chamber
Hose Support