Testing and Maintenance
Technical Handbook, AutroGuard Multicriteria Protector Series V-430, V-530, V-100, V110 and V-120,
AutroGuard-Technical-Handbook, Doc-1004339, Revision 1, 2020-06-29,
Autronica Fire and Security
Page 83
11.4 Cleaning Procedure
In dusty and polluted environments it may be necessary to clean the
outside surface of the protector.
Wipe down the outside of the protector with a dry, soft cloth.
(Does not apply to EX protectors).
Do not clean the inside of the protector.
The SelfVerfiy® function (optional feature) will test and verify that the
sensitivity of the protector is within the approved area and that it
functions properly. If a protector is not functioning properly due to
contamination, the SelfVerify® 2.0 test will discover this, and a fault
message will appear. In this case, the protector must be replaced
with a new one.
11.5 Replacing a Protector (Hot Swap)
A protector can be removed and replaced with another protector
(hereby called “replacement protector”) during normal operation
(hot swap) - one at a time. No breaks will occur when a protector is
removed and replaced with another one.
In addition, the following applies:
A replacement protector will automatically inherit the same
configuration as the protector that is removed. If the
replacement protector is the same type as the one that is
removed, no actions need to be taken (i.e. it will function as
“plug and play”).
If a replacement protector is not the same type as the one that is
removed (intentionally or unintentionally), a fault message will
appear on the system panel display. The configuration of the
replacement protector must then be changed in the AutroSafe
Configuration Tool in order to match the type of the replacement
protector, or the one that is removed must be replaced with a
protector of the same type, for example, V-430 with VAD.
Regardless of the type of replacement protector that is used to
replace a protector that is removed, a protector will always
function on the principle of “best effort”, meaning that the part
of the configuration that matches the protector that is removed
will be copied to the replacement protector, thus it will always at
least function as a Multisensor. In this way, the basic and critical
safety functions will always be maintained, and the system will
always give alarm in the event of a potential fire situation.
Note that fault messages may appear (“point not responding” or
“add-on not responding”) if a protector is not replaced within a
certain time (the time depends on the size of the detection loop
and the number of loop units on the detection loop). Such fault
messages can simply be accepted without any further actions.