Connecting Power
The power connector is the blue connector on the back of the
logic board that has no other blue connectors around it. See
figure 4.25. The recommended power for SBCs is 7-12V DC,
but regulated 5V DC may also be used. The power regulation
jumper is set to accept 7-12V DC. Be sure to provide power
sufficient for 160 milliamps per SBC. A 9V wall plug-
mounted power transformer is suggested. Call your local
dealer for inquiry.
To connect unregulated DC power to an SBC, unscrew the top
and bottom screws on the blue power connector and insert the
wires as shown in figure 4.25. To use regulated 5V DC,
switch the power regulation jumper before attaching power to
the SBC (see figure 4.26). Once the jumper has been set for
regulated power, unscrew the middle and bottom screws on
the power connector and insert the wire.
The final step before using an SBC is mounting it in its final
location. Make sure all the wiring is done correctly before
mounting an SBC in its permanent location.
Chapter 4
figure 4.25 Connecting power for unregulated power
figure 4.26 P9 jumper set for
unregulated power