The first screen
lights all LED
segments and can
be used as a
display LED check
The second screen
indicates the
software version of
the unit.
(the above picture is
just for reference)
After a short delay,
the screen will
display active energy
1. Unit Characteristics
1.1 Unit Characteristics
MID Approved (SGS.UK) Appendix B and D
Multi-tariff with internal time clock
Measures kWh, KVArh, KVar,PF,Hz, Max demand
RS 485 Modbus (Autometers V6 protocol)
Two Pulse Outputs
BI- Directional Measurement for Import and Export
Back light LCD for full viewing Angles
Available as 1 Phase 2 Wire, 3 Phase 3 Wire and 3 Phase 4 Wire
Two pulse output indicate real-time energy measurement. An RS485 output allows remote
monitoring from another display or a computer.
1.2 RS485 Serial-Modbus RTU
RS485 serial port with Mod bus RTU protocol to provide a means of remotely monitoring and
controlling the Unit. Set-up screens are provided for setting up the RS485 port.
1.3 Pulse output
The HT-400 has two pulse outputs which measure energy. Number 1 pulse output is fully
programmable, number 2 pulse output is fixed at 400 imp/kWh, 100ms pulse width.
Start up screens
2.1 Reading an 8 digit kWh register number
The top line shows the first four digits in the register number. The bottom
line shows the next four digits.
In the example, the 8 digit kWh register number is 000003.14