Do-more T1H Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. C
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Since a Timer is a structure it has predefined elements associated with it. Elements such as
.Acc (accumulated time), .Done (the completion bit) and .Timing (the timer is enabled and
timing). Therefore, if “T1.” is entered into any contact name the Auto-Complete feature
of Do-more Designer will display all applicable bit (boolean) selections available for that
structure. Selecting the .Done option, as seen below, will assign this element to the contact
and the contact name will be T1.Done.
This feature works for all structures including: timers, counters, PID loops and strings.
Many system data types such as, $Main and $FirstScan, as well as user-created devices like
ECOM, CTRIO, or SERIO modules can also use this feature. See the Do-more Designer
Help file for more information on structures.
Now place the box cursor in the leftmost
column of Rung #1. Type in a meaningful
nickname, such as “T1_Start”, and press
Enter or select the Normally Open Contact
(F2) from the Ladder Palette Bar, enter
“T1_Start” for the name and click the
checkmark in the upper left corner. Either
method will open the Create Nickname
dialog seen here. Select the third option to
assign the nickname to a specified element,
type the desired memory bit for this
contact (C1) and select OK.
Rung #1 should now appear as follows: