Smart Lifter – LP Range
Smart Lifter – LP Range
10. Installation Instructions
Setting the Boom (Vertical Extension)
1. The Smart Lifter will be provided assembled and set to a nominal boom size suitable for the
vehicle. If a more optimal boom setting is required the following procedure can be used.
2. The actuator supplied will be labeled with the maximum weight setting. Refer to the charts on
page 24, for the allowable settings for the different stroke actuators.
No boom length should
be set greater than 900mm.
3. Do not set a 200kg Smart Lifter less than 710mm boom length.
Before starting, ensure the actuator is fully retracted.
5. If the chart shows that a different lower actuator bracket position is required on the pivot post,
this should be changed first.
6. Fit the Boom Assembly, with the actuator and pivot post, to the A-Frame fitted in the vehicle.
7. Loosen the vertical extension main clamp and the actuator bracket while supporting the
horizontal boom.
8. Extend the boom to the desired length to suit the boot opening. You should never exceed the
maximum extension.
9. While holding the horizontal boom horizontal (parallel to the vehicle floor), tighten the vertical
extension main clamp and actuator bracket, by hand initially, to hold the Smart Lifter in position
while the settings are checked. (Do not load the Smart Lifter at this stage).
10. Once satisfied that the Smart Lifter moves through its intended course without fouling the
vehicle, tighten the main clamps and the actuator brackets to the specified torque settings.
Setting the Horizontal Extension
1. The horizontal extension provides two functions; it is principally adjusted to suit the width of
the spreader bar, ensuring the spreader bar can rotate without hitting the boom. It can also be
increased to give more drop when the boom is lowered.
2. With the spreader bar set to the desired width check the rotation of the bar.
3. If necessary, loosen the horizontal extension main clamp and adjust the length of the horizontal extension.
4. Do not set beyond the limits shown in the diagram on page 22.
5. Once satisfied that the position is correct, tighten the main clamps to the specified torque settings.
Setting the Spreader Bar
1. Loosen the clamps on the spreader bar extensions and adjust to the width of the scooter seat
or the required width for the power chair.
2. Do not exceed the limits shown in the diagram (see page 22) and also make sure the arms are
extended to equal lengths to maintain balance of the load.
3. Loosen the strap clamps and extend the straps to the desired length.
4. Ensure the straps are of equal length to keep the spreader bar level during lifting.
5. Once satisfied the positions are correct, tighten the main clamps and the actuator brackets to
the specified torque settings on page 25.
The limits of the adjustments are shown on the previous page diagrams.
The maximum settings must not be exceeded.
When correctly set, the top part of the Smart Lifter must be parallel with the vehicle
floor at the point when the actuator is fully retracted.