Allow Automatic Start/Stop in All Operation Mode
should in virtually all installations be set to
. If the setting is
, automatic start/stop will work in any mode of operation.
Prohibit Crank Above RPM Threshold
selects if the DCU should prohibit crank if engine is
turning. Selectable choices are
Not in use
, or
300 RPM
Prohibit Stop if Engine Running and Clutch Engaged
selects if stop should be prohibited if
clutch is engaged.
The DCU can prelube the engine at certain regular intervals, and/or before start.
Prelube Type
selects the prelube operation before start. It can be
No Prelube
Fixed Time
Until Prelube Complete Signal
Fixed Time
Until Prelube Complete Signal
Prelube Time
sets the time to prelube. Typical
setting is 5 - 30 seconds.
Prelube Timeout
is the time the DCU will wait for
a prelube completion indication. Typical setting
to 5 - 30 seconds.
Action Upon Timeout
sets the action if the
prelube times out. If set to
Allow Start
, the DCU
will crank the engine upon timeout. If set to
Abort Start
, the DCU will abort the start
sequence and issue a Prelube Failure alarm.
Prelube Until Running
selets if the prelube output shall be activated until engine RPM
passes the Run Setpoint.
Override Allowed
selects if a prelube should be possible to manually override, to continue
the start sequence with an incomplete prelube sequence.
The override is performed in the Controls form on the DCU.
Activate ETR During Prelube
selects if the ETR output should be activated when prelubing.
Oscillating Prelube
The DCU can prelube the engine continuously, in a never ending sequence. The sequence
is disabled while the engine is running.
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