Frequently Asked Questions
Hardware Capabilities - Infrared Technology - Setup - Using the Software - Intended Use -
Maximizing Thermal Reading Accuracy - Control System Integration - Troubleshooting -
Miscellaneous Questions
Hardware Capabilities
Q: What is the scan distance?
A: 0.5 to 1 meter.
Q: What is the temperature detection speed?
A: 1 second.
Q: Does the temperature sensor need to be calibrated?
A: No, the sensor is initially calibrated at the factory and will auto-calibrate once deployed.
Q: Is the connection from the sensor to the tablet USB?
A: Yes, it is a USB sensor module that connects to the tablet.
Infrared Technology
Q: What technology does TAURI use to detect temperature?
A: TAURI uses Long Wave Infrared Technology, a type of forward looking infrared technology.
Q: How does Long Wave Infrared Technology compare to other Infrared Technology?
A: Long Wave Infrared Technology does not need to be cooled. As a result, it requires less maintenance than
Medium Wave Infrared Technology and Short Wave Infrared Technology. The length of the waves makes LWIR
suitable for dusty or foggy environments as well, since it detects what temperature radiates from an object.
Q: How accurate is the infrared sensor?
A: +/- 0.3 degree Celsius.
Q: How is the temperature so accurate?