Signals (output signals)
Status signals via output contacts (digital outputs)
Output contacts are only available if a parallel interface is provided in addition to the
fieldbus interface.
Output contacts are used to send status signals (e.g. reaching the end positions,
selector switch position, faults...) as binary signals to the control room.
Status signals only have two states: active or inactive. Active means that the
conditions for the signal are fulfilled.
Assignment of outputs
The output contacts (outputs DOUT 1 – 6) can be assigned to various signals.
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Device configuration M0053
I/O interface M0139
Digital outputs M0110
Signal DOUT 1 M0109
Default values:
Signal DOUT 1
Signal DOUT 2
End position CLOSED
Signal DOUT 3
End position OPEN
Signal DOUT 4
Selector sw. REMOTE
Signal DOUT 5
Torque fault CLOSE
Signal DOUT 6
Torque fault OPEN
Coding the outputs
The output signals
Coding DOUT 1
Coding DOUT 6
can be set either to high active
or low active.
High active = output contact closed = signal active
Low active = output contact open = signal active
Signal active means that the conditions for the signal are fulfilled.
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Device configuration M0053
I/O interface M0139
Digital outputs M0110
Coding DOUT 1 M0102
Default values:
Coding DOUT 1
Low active
Coding DOUT 2
Coding DOUT 6
High active
Analogue signals (analogue outputs)
Analogue signals are only available if the following conditions are met:
Actuator controls are equipped with additional control inputs.
The actuator is equipped with a position transmitter (potentiometer, RWG or
Valve position
Signal: E2 = 0/4 – 20 mA (galvanically isolated)
Designation in the wiring diagram: AOUT1 (position)
For further information on this topic, please refer to Manual (Operation and setting).
SAEx 07.2 – SAEx 16.2/SAREx 07.2 – SAREx 16.2 Control unit - electromechanical
ACExC 01.2 Intrusive Modbus RTU
Signals (output signals)