Operation commands (S0003)
The display
active operation commands, like e.g.: Operation in direction CLOSE or in direc-
tion OPEN
the actual value E2 as bar graph indication and as value between 0 and 100
for setpoint control (positioner): setpoint E1
for stepping mode or for intermediate positions with operation profile: pivot
points and operation behaviour of pivot points
The navigation support (bottom row) is faded out after approx. 3 seconds and the
axis/axes for pivot point display are shown.
OPEN - CLOSE control
Active operation commands (OPEN, CLOSE, ...) are shown above the bar graph
display. The figure below shows the operation command in direction CLOSE.
Figure 72: Display for OPEN - CLOSE control
Actual position value
Setpoint control
If the positioner is enabled and activated, the bar graph indication for E1 (position
setpoint) is displayed.
The direction of the operation command is displayed by an arrow above the bar
graph indication. The figure below shows the operation command in direction CLOSE.
Figure 73: Indication for setpoint control (positioner)
Position setpoint
Actual position value
Pivot point axis
The pivot points and their operation behaviour (operation profile) are shown on the
pivot point axis by means of symbols.
The symbols are only displayed if at least one of the following functions is activated:
Operation profile M0294
Timer CLOSE M0156
Timer OPEN M0206
Figure 74: Examples: on the left pivot points (intermediate positions); on the right
stepping mode
SAEx 07.2 – SAEx 16.2/SAREx 07.2 – SAREx 16.2 Control unit - electromechanical
ACExC 01.2 Intrusive Modbus RTU