Cut-off frequencies
Hi-P Hz
10 ÷ 20000: filtro High-Pass
Lo-P Hz
10 ÷ 20000: filtro Low-Pass
You can select the cut-off frequency by:
- clicking on the corresponding drop-down menu,
selecting the frequency range and the value;
- clicking on the corresponding drop-down menu,
selecting the frequency range and then moving from
value to value with the arrows controls (up / down) on the
PC keyboard;
- clicking on the corresponding drop-down menu and
then moving from value to value with the use of a mouse
featuring a rotating finger wheel.
the crossing frequency among
speakers of the same front is bound.
It is however free if among different fronts.
If you change the Front Woofer low pass cut-off
frequency, also the Front Mid-Hi hi-pass cut-off
frequency will automatically change.If you change the
Subwoofer low-pass cut-off frequency, instead, the
Front Woofer hi-pass cut-off frequency won’t change.
In EXPERT mode
the crossing frequency among
speakers of the same front is free, meaning that open
cuts can be created.
Filter slope
Hi-P Slope
12/24/36/48 dB/Oct. (Linkwitz)
6/12/18/24/30/36/42/48 dB/Oct. (Butterworth)
Lo-P Slope
12/24/36/48 dB/Oct. (Linkwitz)
6/12/18/24/30/36/42/48 dB/Oct. (Butterworth)
When starting up the software, the Bit One offers Linkwitz
with 12 dB/oct slope as default slope. By changing the
slope, the change will be applied only to the channel you
are working on.
If you are adjusting the Front Woofer, the change will
affect only that channel (right and left, if linked). If you
selected Band Pass as filter type, the slope will be
applied to both hi-pass and low-pass.
80 - 1000 Hz @ 12 dB/Oct. Crossover Frequency
80 - 1000 Hz @ 36 dB/Oct. Crossover Frequency
80 - 1000 Hz @ 24 dB/Oct. Crossover Frequency
80 - 1000 Hz @ 48 dB/Oct. Crossover Frequency
EXPERT mode crossover frequency:
-Low Pass 750 Hz - High Pass 2500 Hz
STANDARD mode 1000 Hz crossover frequency