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If the arm/disarm chirp tones have been turned off at the
vehicle, when you arm, or disarm, the display will indicate this
as shown and there will be no arm/disarm chirps at the
transmitter. This is true if the transmitter is set for vibrate mode.
When the vehicle is armed, and a door is opened, or ajar, the transmitter will
chirp 3 times, the lights will flash, and the display will indicate a door trigger as
shown on the previous page. When the door is closed or the zone clears, the
transmitter will chirp 1 time, and the display will clear.
When the vehicle is armed, and the hood or trunk is opened or ajar, the
transmitter will chirp 3 times, the lights will flash, and the display will indicate a
hood or trunk trigger as shown on the previous page. When the hood or trunk is
closed, or the zone clears, the transmitter will chirp 1 time, and the display will
Programmed Transmitter Notification (PTN)
Every time after Disarm when the ignition key is turned on, the unit's LED will
report the number of transmitters programmed into the system. This safety
feature will alert you if an unauthorized transmitter has been programmed
into your vehicle's security system without your knowledge. Typical from the
factory, there will be a 2 flash, pause, repeated 3 times indicating that two
transmitters are programmed into the system. If you note additional flashes,
there may heve been an additional transmitter added without your
knowledge or authorization. If you notice a change in the transmitter LED
report pattern, you can correct this by looking up how to erase and reprogram
your transmitters found in the transmitter programming guide. This
reprogram operation will erase all unauthorized or unwanted transmitters.