10) 18) – AC-GND-DC: Choose input mode of input signal of vertical axial
AC: AC coupling
GND: input grounding of vertical amplifier, input switch off
DC: DC coupling
22) Vertical attenuation switch: adjust vertical reflection sensibility vary from 5mV/div 5V/div, in 10 steps
9) 21) Vertical fine-tune: Fine-tune sensibility not less than 1/2.5 of nominal; sensibility just is nominal when in
calibration position.
13) 17)
DC BAL of CH1 and CH2: Used to balance testing for attenuator (See detail to DC BAL testing in page 16)
11) 19)
Vertical position: Adjust vertical position of trace in screen
Vertical mode: Operation modes of CH1 and CH2 amplifier
CH1 or CH2: display of CH1 or CH2 individually
DUAL: both channels display simultaneously
ADD: display of the algebraic sum of both channels (CH1+CH2). Algebraic difference (CH1-CH2) for CH2
INV 16) pressed.
ALT/CHOP: release the button when in dual channel display, indicates alternative display of CH1 and CH2
usually for the faster sweep speed condition ; Chop display simultaneously of CH1 and CH2
when press the button (usually for the slower sweep speed condition).
16) CH2 INV: signal invert of CH2, both signal and trigger signal of CH2 invert simultaneously.
External trigger input: Used for trigger for external signal. For this case, Switch 23) it should be set in EXT.
Selection of trigger source: Trigger of internal (INT) or external (EXT)
CH1: Choose CH1 as internal trigger signal source, for vertical mode switch 14) is set in DUAL or ADD.
CH2: Choose CH2 as internal trigger signal source, for vertical mode switch 14) is set in DUAL or ADD.
TRIG.ALT 27): Alternatively choose CH1 and CH2 as internal trigger signal source by pressing 27), for
vertical mode switch 14) is set in DUAL or ADD, and trigger source switch is set in CH1 or
LINE: Choose AC power source as triggering signal.
EXT: External triggering signal connect 24) as triggering signal source.
Polarity: Choose polarity of trigger signal. “+” for rising edge triggering, and “-” for falling edge trigger .
Trigger level: Display a synchronous stable waveform, and setting a starting point of a waveform. Trigger level
up shifting by turning toward “+”, and trigger level downward shifting by turning toward “-”.
Trigger modes: Choose trigger modes
AUTO: Automatic Sweeping in free mode when no trigger signal input.
NORM: Normal Trace in standby state and without display when no trigger signal input.
TV-V: TV-Vertical observing a field of TV signals
TV-H: TV-Horizontal observing a line of TV signals