4th Remote Programmed= 4 siren chirps and 4 parking-lights flashes
It is always advisable to fill all four of memory slots assigned for remote transmitters:
If you only have 1 remote control transmitter, program it 4 times.
If you have 2 remote control transmitters, program each one twice.
Every time a new remote control transmitter is programmed ATS NASA 2001’s memory is cleared. That means
any remote controls previously programmed in the memory have been erased and HAVE TO BE RE-
When completing programming procedures for the remote control(s), you may exit the Code-learning Mode by
one of the following:
Wait for approximately 50 seconds and the system will automatically exit from the programming mode,
Turn the ignition OFF.
Note: After finishing the code-learning processes for all transmitter(s), please do not press any of the transmitters’
buttons unless you are sure that you have exited the code-learning mode according to the exit procedures
described above.
Telephone Commands for Remote Control & Anti-carjacking
To operate ATS NASA 2001’s telephone-activated features, you must first learn how to properly initiate a
telephone command sequence. It is VERY important you understand these instructions BEFORE you use the
Sending a Command
ATS NASA 2001 mobile paging system is very similar to a personal pager device. Some personal pagers have a
dedicated number you can call to send a message to that pager … some require a call to a specific toll-free
telephone number, then an entry of the pager’s PIN number to activate the pager to “beep.” ATS NASA 2001
works very much like the personal pager that requires the use of PIN number. You MUST call a nation wide, toll-
free number and enter your ATS NASA 2001’s PIN number when asked. Paging service related to TAS NASA
2001 in Canada & other regions is respectively described as follows:
1. ATS NASA 2001 Monitoring Service in Canada
In Canada, if you have bought and installed a ATS NASA2001, ple ase call (604) 931 2839 and ATS or Moupic (
tel: 604-299-6838) will offer you a toll-free number for one-year free monitoring service. After you sign a service
monitoring agreement, the PIN number and Password (PW) number along with the command code of your choice
will be provided to you. Within 10 days a monitoring service card will be mailed to you.
Sending out an Anti-carjacking Command