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7.1.8 Calibration
User can calibrate analogue input values for level
controller using this menu. A general 4~20mA
calibrator will auto calibrate the reference values.
4mA option shows the Low Value of calibration and
20mA option shows the High Value of calibration.
Note: Make sure to check the values of calibration
are same as shown by the calibrator.
Menu Button Insert Password Downward Button Calibration
Calibration has two sub menus as 4mA and 20mA.
7.1.9 Password Setting
Controller comes with built in password protection
feature for safe operation regarding controller and
process systems. User can define 4-digit password
from this setting. Every time the controller needs user
interaction, password will be required before going
into main menu.
Menu Button Insert Password Downward
Button Password Setting Enter Button
Password setting has two sub menus as Change Password and Password ON.
A Change Password
User can change password from this menu. User have
to select a sequence of buttons using any of the first
five buttons (Upward, Downward, Forward, Menu
and Enter Button). For example: if required to set
password first use password as 1 (upward), 2
(downward), 4 (menu) and 3 (forward). 1243
Menu Button Insert Password Downward
Button Password Setting Enter Button Downward Button Change Password
Enter Button
B Password ON
User can change Password ON/OFF using this menu.
Pressing enter button will select and unselect the
Password ON option.
Menu Button Insert Password Downward
Button Password Setting Enter Button
Downward Button Password ON Enter Button
Note: Factory input password for initial access to
controller main menu is
. (upward 4 times)