Instruction manual - GB
26. Slow-burning mode
It is possible to use boilers for slow-burning operation, i.e. keeping the fire up overnight without the
necessity to fire-up every day. This is only permitted
during wintertime
. This operating method howev-
er decreases the boiler service life. Prepare the boiler for slow-burning operation in the following way:
- place several larger logs on a glowing layer of partially combusted fuel
- reduce the mixing valves
After the valves have been reduced, the boiler water temperature increases to 80 - 90 °C and the
control thermostats switch off
- the boiler will operate in an lower output mode
In boilers prepared as previous, the fuel burns for 8 – 12 hours. The actual slow-burn combustion
time depends on the amount of fuel placed in the boiler and on the actual quantity of consumed heat.
Even if the boiler operates in the slow-burn mode, it has to keep the output water temperature
ranging between 80 - 90°C and returning water minimum temperature 65 °C
27. Boiler cleaning
It is necessary to clean the boilers regularly and thoroughly every 3 to 5 days because the flue
cinder accumulated in the fuel storage tank together with tars and acids insulate the heat-transfer sur-
face and dramatically decrease the boiler’s service life and performance. If excessive amount of cinder
is left to form in the lower chamber, then the burn-off area is insufficient and damage to the fireclay
nozzle holder or the whole boiler may occur. Carry out the cleaning procedure by first open the loading
door /2/ and sweep the cinder down through the slot into the lower chamber. Leave long pieces of wood
which have not fully combusted (charcoals) in the hopper for the next time the boiler is used. Open the
cleaning lid /27/ and clean the rear flue gas duct with a brush. In case that there is a decelerator (flu gas
brake) placed in the fle gas duct (corrugated sheet metal) it is necessary to remove it before the cleaning
procedure. Remove all soot and cinder after opening the lower lids /16/. Open the lower door /3/ and
clean the fireclay chamber from cinder and soot. Use also a poker or a brush to remove dust sediments
from the lower combustion chamber walls. Remove also the two side lids placed on both sides of the
combustion chamber lower door and thoroughly clean the tube heat exchanger (before cleaning remove
flue gas brakes /36/). The actual cleaning interval depends on the fuel quality (wood moisture), inten-
sity of heating, chimney draught and other circumstances and needs to be determined by the user. We
recommend cleaning the boilers once a week. Do not pull out the fireclay shaped piece /9/, /10/ when
cleaning. At least once a year check and if necessary clean both the ventilators.
Maximum ash quantity
– ash-pan spherical space
–regular and thorough cleaning is important for permanent effectiveness and a long
service life of your boiler. If not cleaned properly, damage to the boiler may occur – the
manufacturer’s guarantee is rendered invalid.