• Slide the beam through the top opening of the column to the bottom of the
column. Make sure that all sliders shown in the fi g.22 are in position.
• Raise the beam and column assembly to the upright position and slide the
beam under the runway end. Make sure the opening of the beam should
be lined up with the pulleys in the
runway end.
• If the beam is not level with the
column, put the shims between the
carriage and the block to make the
beam level as shown in fi g.22a.
• Slide the cable ends through the
opening of the beam.
• Align the bolt holes in top of the
beam with the slots in the runway
ends. Bolt the runway to the rear beam using screws and washers as
shown in fi g.22.
• Repeat the above procedures to attach another front column to the runway.