- 4 -
2 1 5 Floor heating systems
New floor heating systems must be initially heated
slowly to avoid cracking Check with your installer that
this initial heating procedure has been performed before
using your heating system as you see fit.
The high inertia of floor heating systems prevent
sudden differences in room temperature However, this
stability involves a reaction time of about several hours,
(approximately 6 hours)
Any changes to the settings must be made slowly,
allowing the installation time to react Adjusting the
system to exaggerated settings or in an untimely manner
always results in significant temperature fluctuations
during the course of the day
Similarly if your residence has a floor heating system,
do not reduce the heating or switch it off if you will be
absent for a short period The reheating period is always
quite long (approx 6 hours)
2 1 6 Fan-coil heaters with integrated control sys-
Do not use a room thermostat in the zone concerned
2 1 7 Domestic hot water (DHW)
This function is designed as an optional extra with the
use of a DHW tank (with an electrical back-up heater)
When DHW is in demand, the heat pump prioritises this
No space heating takes place while domestic hot water
is being produced
Domestic hot water (DHW) is produced by the heat
pump and then topped up, if necessary, by the electrical
back-up system
In the event of extreme outdoor temperatures, the
electrical back-up system of the DHW tank must be left
in operation to guarantee a DHW setpoint greater than
The electrical back-up heating enables Legionella
cycles to be conducted efficiently.
2 1 Precautions and warnings
regarding your installation
2 1 1 The outdoor unit
The outdoor unit contains the equipment for capturing
energy from the ambient air
Your installer has placed this unit in a location that
enables it to operate in an optimum manner
Nothing should obstruct the air from circulating through
the evaporator and out of the fan
The water contained in the ambient air may condense
and drain from the outdoor unit
In cold periods, this water freezes in contact with the
exchanger and must be removed by regular defrosting
cycles The control system automatically controls
the defrosting cycle, whose operation can lead to the
emission of steam, which is perfectly normal
2 1 2 The hydraulic unit
The hydraulic unit contains the entire heat pump control
system, in charge of controlling the heating comfort
level and the production of domestic hot water (if the
installation is equipped with a DHW tank and electrical
The hydraulic unit is equipped with an electrical back-
up system, which is designed to provide additional heat
during the coldest periods
2 1 3 The controller
Your installer has carefully adjusted your installation Do
not modify setting parameters without their agreement
If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact them
Your heating system is controlled according to the
outdoor temperature (weather-dependent system)
A room thermostat (optional) can be installed for
improved control (the influence of the room temperature
is taken into account)
2 1 4 The radiators
To guarantee control, the room in which the room
thermostat is installed must not have a thermostatic
valve If this is the case, the valves must be open fully
2 Overall view of the installation
User manual 1634 - EN
Loria 6000 heat pump